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Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Love Clock

Sunday, 26 February 2012

9 Simple Diet Changes

Healthy Food

Quite simply, to lose weight and improve your condition, you have to eat less, eat more often, and eat better.
Here are some simple steps to take:
1. Plan your meals.
It's the best way we know of to stick to healthy eating goals. Use the weekly meal planners in the personal planner, and give preference to chicken, fish, and bean-based dishes.
2. Eat more often.
The best approach for diabetes is to eat three moderate-sized meals (including breakfast!) and two healthy snacks a day.
3. Eat five servings of vegetables a day.
By eating more vegetables, you'll automatically eat more fiber and less fat. And vegetables are full of disease-fighting compounds. One serving is 1/2 cup canned or cooked vegetables or 1 cup raw vegetables.
4. Eat four servings of fruit a day.
A serving of fruit is one piece of whole fruit, 1/2 cup cooked or canned fruit, or 1 cup raw fruit. Have fruit with breakfast and as snacks.
5. Switch to whole grains. 
Whole grains such as whole wheat bread and brown rice contain fiber, which blunts the rise of blood sugar. Aim for 3-6 servings a day. A serving is 1 slice whole wheat bread or 1/2 cup brown rice or whole wheat pasta.
6. Calcium-rich foods.
They facilitate weight loss. Aim to get 2-3 servings a day of low-fat calcium foods such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. A serving is 1 cup milk or yogurt or 1 1/2 ounces nonprocessed cheese.
7. Eat beans 3-5 times a week.
Beans are loaded with fiber, especially soluble fiber, which lowers cholesterol.
8. Focus on "good fats."
While saturated fats (the kind found in red meat, butter, and ice cream) contribute to insulin resistance, "good" fats help stabilize your blood sugar. Favor fish over red meat and olive or canola oil over butter.
9. Watch your portion sizes.
Keep in mind that a main-dish serving of meat is only the size of a deck of cards, and pasta and cereal should be kept to less than 1 cup.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Be someone who listens... and you will be heard
Be someone who cares... and you will be loved
Be someone who gives... and you will be blessed
Be someone who comforts... and you shall know peace
Be someone who genuinely seeks to understand... and you will be wise
Be someone who is kind... be someone who is considerate… and you will be admired
Be someone who values truth… and you will be respected
Be someone who takes action... and you will move life forward
Be someone who lifts others higher... and your life will be rich
Be someone who is filled with gratitude… and there will be no end for which you’ll be thankful
Be someone who lives with joy… and with purpose
Be someone who shines brightly
Be… in every moment… that special someone… you were truly meant to be !!!!